Nanaimos Mortgage Experts – Best 5 year Fixed Rate 2.99% *OAC, Rates Subject to Change Without Notice

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We see What You see!
2013-06-06 16:41:03

We see what you see! Our mortgage product called "Refinance Plus Improvements" lends based on your POST-Reno value, meaning we can get you those funds you want for your dream renovation! Click below to Read How...

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To Buy or Not to Buy That 'Tis the Question!
2013-03-25 18:20:32

Well that’s easy, Buy!

Oh right, typically people don’t just take my word for it, though that would be so much easier… my husband would never argue with me, it would cut my appointment times with my clients down from 1 hour to 1 minute and maybe even my kids wouldn’t question everything I say! I’ve got a lil’ explainin’ to do! Click to read more on buying verses renting....

Read more: To Buy or Not to Buy That 'Tis the Question! More

Stated Income Mortgage Loans are Back!
2013-02-04 19:32:59

Attention all who are Self Employed!
Do you show very little income on your personal tax returns and Notice of Assessments,  a value which is not an accurate representation of the income you actually make? This Mortgage is For You... Click below to Read

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Blogging 101
2013-01-18 14:30:00

We received advice from our SEO experts that Blogging is a great way to a) get information out to the public, b) show new people looking at your site that you are knowledgeable and c) improve rankings on Google and other search engines so here we are 4 months later! That’s how long it took us to have it created, learn to use it and make it live! Hey, We are Expert Mortgage Brokers not Expert Blog Creators, I’m sure some of you out there could have done it a lot faster!

So now I have taken the online Blogging 101 course and learned “What To Do/What Not To Do” and I think I’m ready. So here goes nothin’…….
Please click MORE below to read our first entry....

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